30 Hour Coding Hackathon @ AITD powered by GitHub

Agnel Institute of Technology and Design along with GitHub India & IncubateIND organized an Open source 30 hours long Hackathon for college students across India on 27th & 28th April 2021.

In the Hackathon Young Technology Enthusiasts solved major problems related to Education, Healthtech, and Fintech that curbs India’s growth story. The Hackathon is a part of Code Innovation Series program by GitHub which aims to create an open-source platform for 100+ colleges and students across India to ignite the passion amongst students to build a better world around us and support Open Source.

As part of the Hackathon, a workshop “Getting Started with Git & GitHub” was also held in order to understand how to work with Git & also host your code on GitHub.

Gerson Dias of team Debuggers was the Winner of the Hackthon.  Sairaj Kapdi, Sanket Marathe & Rhutik Parab PredictX was the 1st Runner Up,  Jason D’souza , Rahul Kumar Das, Sanish Aukale, Sujit Kumar Maiti of team Incognitos was the 2nd Runner Up. A total of 45 teams participated in the hackathon.