Webinar on “Placements Insights”

Computer Engineering Department of Agnel Institute of Technology and Design in association with IET Student Chapter conducted a webinar titled “Placements Insights” on 3rd October 2020 from 3.00pm to 4.00pm. The speakers for the session were:

Mr. Vimal Chaubey, IT Analyst-TCS, YP Chairperson IET Mumbai LN.

Mr. Ranjan Chaubey, Full Stack Developer, TCS.

Students were given brief insights of various placement related aspects like placement entry gateways, various placement rounds, placement preparation strategies etc. 78 students (IET members + Final year Computer and ECE students) attended the webinar. The event was coordinated by Mr. Sagar Naik.

Report By.

                                                                                                Mr. Sagar Naik, IET Coordinator