Webinar on Cloud Fundamentals conducted by the ACCESS Council of Computer Engineering Department

ACCESS Student Council of Computer Engineering Department of Agnel Institute of Technology and Design conducted a webinar on “Cloud Fundamentals” on 27th May 2020. The speaker for the session was Mr. Tanmay Naik Pereira, Software Engineer, Persistent Systems Limited, Goa. Some basic fundamentals of the Cloud including, VMs, Storage, Containers , Serverless etc. were explained during the webinar. Total 60 AITD participants including students and faculties attended the seminar. The event was coordinated by Prof. Sagar Naik and Prof. Basil  Jose. Is it possible to play Starburst slot without paying? Yes, it is possible using the starburst slot demo This way, the online casino gives you an experimental balance to play. The terms and conditions may vary from one online casino to another. Sign up at the official online casinos and enjoy playing Starburst for free.

Report By.

Prof. Sagar Naik,ACCESS Coordinator