Recipe Recommender

It is difficult to think of recipe to prepare a new dish based on ingredients available at hand. Humans tend to keep a record of recipes but that set is limited to the recipes a person has encountered before. This application focuses on recommending recipes to the user. Recipe is a set of instructions for preparing a particular dish, including list of ingredients required. This application takes as input a list of ingredients and retrieves recipes that contain those ingredients. The recommender system built into the application will recommend recipes from the aforementioned set of retrieved recipes to the user. The user may also input the name of a specific recipe and view it (if it exists in the database). The application first finds all the recipes in the database that contain the inputted ingredients using a full-text search engine called ElasticSearch. The recommender system then analyses the search results using recommender algorithms and suggests recipes to the user. The recipes shown to the user would be based on the user’s preference, which is specified by the user when he or she creates an account. It will also be based on search history of the user. For unregistered users, the recipes retrieved will be based on the recipes currently viewed and the subset of ingredients in that recipe.