Department of Management Studies

Faculty Orientation Program @ AITD

An insightful one-day faculty orientation program was organized for the faculties of the Department of Management Studies at Angel Institute of Technology & Design on 12th February 2024. The program was conducted by the esteemed resource person, Dr. Nirmala Rajanala, from the Goa Business School, Goa University. The event aimed to equip the faculties with knowledge and insights into various crucial aspects of academic planning, teaching methodologies, and administrative issues.

The orientation program enabled the faculty members to gain valuable insights that will significantly benefit their teaching methodologies. Dr. Nirmala Rajanala’s expertise facilitated a deeper understanding of the New Educational Policy, encouraging the faculties to align their courses with the evolving educational landscape.

Dr. Nirmala Rajanala also took the opportunity to interact with the first-year MBA students, motivating them to adopt a sincere and proactive approach to their studies. This interaction served as an inspiration for the students to excel in their academic endeavors.

Few glimpses of the session