Electronics & Communications Engineering

AITD GitHub Hackathon 2021

Agnel Institute of Technology and Design  &  IncubateIND under the GitHub Campus Program along with ACCESS will host India’s largest Open source Hackathon Series for 100+ college students across India wherein the Young Technology Enthusiasts will solve the major problems of Education, Healthtech, and Fintech that curbs India’s growth story.  The Hackathon is a part of Code Innovation Series which will  create an open-source platform for 100+ colleges and students across India to ignite the passion amongst students to build a better world around us and support Open Source. Calling all developers & students  I invite you to participate in this Hackathon & hack yourself to success! 

 Hackathon Date: 27th & 28th April 2021

Hack: 30 Hours
Hackathon registration URL: https://www.incubateind.com/hack/aitd